Monday, July 27, 2009

Rainy Weekend

Hi everyone. The out come of my Friday Dinner was fantastic. The Spicy Tomato soup was awsome, my father in-law loved it and the crab cakes were super. He couldn't beleive I actually made them from scratch!

Now I do I have to tell you that I found a glitch in the receipe. As I am getting ready to mix my crab mixture and start forming a "patty shape" to begin frying, I noticed that the patty was not forming, it was crumbling apart. I looked at the receipe and said to my self "I followed everything step by step to the "T") I always do, my husband always teases me about that because he says that if I were to lose my (Blue Susies Kitchen Book) where I keep my favorite recepeis, you know the ones that turn out right, my niece gave it to me years ago when I started cooking, my husband says I will die if I lose it and he is right I will.

Anyways back to my crab cakes..... After pausing for like 3 minutes with my mouth wide open, I was like NO! Like an Iron chef I had to think fast (before my husband came in from gardeing), OK Susie now what???? I know.... bread crumbs, I need bread crumbs. You see thats when I realized what went wrong. The receipe I was following asked for 1/3 cup of cracked, crumbled Ritz crackers. For all the other ingridiens and 1 pound of crab meat 1/3 cup was NOT enough. I pulled out what I had, Italian Bread Crumbs and added it to my mixure like 2 cups and vuala!!!! My patty's formed and my Savanah Crab Cakes were deliciuouse and the soup that accompanied it was just perfect. If anyone needs any of the receipes I make and blog about or are interested where and whom I get my inspiration from, send me a comment.

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